Good for this property: | <>oneDisplayTypeLink[ElectronConfiguration, None, None, 1, {{ByValue, Value, List sorted by value, .v}, {ByAtomicNumber, Atomic Number, List sorted by atomic number, .an}, {Alphabetical, Alphabetical, List sorted alphabetically, .al}, {3DPlot, 3D Live, 3D rotatable plot, .3d}, {ShadedPlot, Shaded, Color-shaded table plot, .st}, {BallPlot, Ball, Ball table plot, .bt}, {CrossedLinePlot, Crossed Line, Crossed lines table plot, .cl}, {ScatterPlot, Scatter, Scatter plot, .sp}, {SortedScatterPlot, Sorted Scatter, Scatter plot sorted by value, .ssp}}[[{}[[1,1]]]], {{AbsoluteBoilingPoint, ScatterPlot, False, The boiling point in absolute (Kelvin) units.}, {AbsoluteMeltingPoint, ScatterPlot, False, The melting point in absolute (Kelvin) units.}, {AdiabaticIndex, SortedScatterPlot, False, The ratio of heat capacity at constant temperature to heat capacity at constant pressure.}, {AllotropeNames, ByValue, False, Some elements occur in multiple crystal or molecular forms, which are given specific names.}, {AlternateStandardNames, ByValue, False, Some elements have alternate spellings or roots in other languages that explain their standard abbreviations.}, {AtomicNumber, ByAtomicNumber, False, The atomic number of an element equals the number of protons in the nucleus: It is the basic ordering principle of the periodic table.}, {AtomicRadius, ScatterPlot, False, The calculated distance from the nucleus to the outermost electron.}, {AtomicWeight, ScatterPlot, False, The average atomic weight of the naturally occuring isotopes of each element.}, {Block, ScatterPlot, False, The orbital name (s, p, d, or f) of the outermost shell of electrons.}, {BoilingPoint, ScatterPlot, False, The boiling point in Celcius units. On log scale plots the value is given in absolute (Kelvin) units to avoid unplottable negative values.}, {BrinellHardness, ScatterPlot, False, The hardness of the solid form according to the Brinell indentation method.}, {BulkModulus, ScatterPlot, False, The degree of incompressibility.}, {CASNumber, ByAtomicNumber, False, Chemical Abstract Service registry number}, {Color, ByAtomicNumber, False, A somewhat subjective descrition of the color.}, {CovalentRadius, ScatterPlot, False, Half the distance between nuclei in a bonded pair of atoms.}, {CriticalPressure, ScatterPlot, False, Pressure at the liquid-gas critical point.}, {CriticalTemperature, ScatterPlot, False, Temperature at the liquid-gas critical point.}, {CrustAbundance, SortedScatterPlot, True, The percentage of each element in the makeup of the earth's crust.}, {CrystalStructure, ByAtomicNumber, False, [ ]}, {CuriePoint, ScatterPlot, False, [ ]}, {DecayMode, ByAtomicNumber, False, [ ]}, {Density, CrossedLinePlot, False, [ ]}, {DiscoveryYear, SortedScatterPlot, True, [ ]}, {ElectricalConductivity, CrossedLinePlot, False, [ ]}, {ElectricalType, BallPlot, False, [ ]}, {ElectronAffinity, CrossedLinePlot, False, [ ]}, {ElectronConfigurationString, ByAtomicNumber, False, [ ]}, {Electronegativity, ScatterPlot, False, [ ]}, {ElectronShellConfiguration, ByAtomicNumber, False, [ ]}, {FusionHeat, ScatterPlot, False, [ ]}, {GasAtomicMultiplicities, ScatterPlot, False, [ ]}, {Group, ScatterPlot, False, [ ]}, {HalfLife, ScatterPlot, True, [ ]}, {HumanAbundance, SortedScatterPlot, True, The percentage of each element in the makeup of the human body.}, {IonizationEnergies, ScatterPlot, False, [ ]}, {IsotopeAbundances, ByAtomicNumber, False, [ ]}, {KnownIsotopes, ByAtomicNumber, False, [ ]}, {LatticeAngles, ByAtomicNumber, False, [ ]}, {LatticeConstants, ScatterPlot, False, [ ]}, {Lifetime, ScatterPlot, True, [ ]}, {LiquidDensity, ScatterPlot, False, [ ]}, {MagneticType, ByAtomicNumber, False, [ ]}, {MassMagneticSusceptibility, ScatterPlot, True, [ ]}, {MeltingPoint, ScatterPlot, False, The melting point in Celcius units. On log scale plots the value is given in absolute (Kelvin) units to avoid unplottable negative values.}, {Memberships, ByAtomicNumber, False, [ ]}, {MeteoriteAbundance, SortedScatterPlot, True, The percentage of each element in the average makeup of meteorites.}, {MohsHardness, ScatterPlot, False, [ ]}, {MolarMagneticSusceptibility, ScatterPlot, True, [ ]}, {MolarVolume, ScatterPlot, True, [ ]}, {NeelPoint, ScatterPlot, False, [ ]}, {NeutronCrossSection, ScatterPlot, False, [ ]}, {NeutronMassAbsorption, ScatterPlot, False, [ ]}, {OceanAbundance, SortedScatterPlot, True, The percentage of each element in the makeup of the ocean.}, {Period, ScatterPlot, False, [ ]}, {Phase, ByValue, False, [ ]}, {PoissonRatio, ScatterPlot, False, [ ]}, {QuantumNumbers, ByAtomicNumber, False, [ ]}, {Radioactive, ScatterPlot, False, [ ]}, {RefractiveIndex, ByValue, False, [ ]}, {Resistivity, CrossedLinePlot, True, [ ]}, {ShearModulus, ScatterPlot, False, [ ]}, {SolarAbundance, SortedScatterPlot, True, The percentage of each element in the makeup of the sun.}, {SoundSpeed, ScatterPlot, False, [ ]}, {SpaceGroupName, ByAtomicNumber, False, [ ]}, {SpaceGroupNumber, ByAtomicNumber, False, [ ]}, {SpecificHeat, ScatterPlot, False, [ ]}, {StableIsotopes, ByAtomicNumber, False, [ ]}, {StandardName, ByAtomicNumber, False, [ ]}, {SuperconductingPoint, ScatterPlot, False, [ ]}, {Symbol, ByAtomicNumber, False, [ ]}, {ThermalConductivity, ScatterPlot, False, [ ]}, {ThermalExpansion, ScatterPlot, False, [ ]}, {UniverseAbundance, SortedScatterPlot, True, The percentage of each element in the makeup of the universe as a whole.}, {Valence, CrossedLinePlot, False, [ ]}, {VanDerWaalsRadius, CrossedLinePlot, False, [ ]}, {VaporizationHeat, ScatterPlot, False, [ ]}, {VickersHardness, CrossedLinePlot, True, [ ]}, {VolumeMagneticSusceptibility, ScatterPlot, True, [ ]}, {YoungModulus, ScatterPlot, False, [ ]}, {cd[AutoignitionPoint], ScatterPlot, False, [ ]}, {cd[CIDNumber], ByAtomicNumber, False, [ ]}, {cd[CombustionHeat], ScatterPlot, False, [ ]}, {cd[DOTHazardClass], ByAtomicNumber, False, [ ]}, {cd[DOTNumbers], ByAtomicNumber, False, [ ]}, {cd[EUNumber], ByAtomicNumber, False, [ ]}, {cd[FlashPoint], ScatterPlot, False, [ ]}, {cd[GmelinNumber], ByAtomicNumber, False, [ ]}, {cd[NFPAFireRating], ByAtomicNumber, False, [ ]}, {cd[NFPAHazards], ByAtomicNumber, False, [ ]}, {cd[NFPAHealthRating], ByAtomicNumber, False, [ ]}, {cd[NFPALabel], ByAtomicNumber, False, [ ]}, {cd[NFPAReactivityRating], ByAtomicNumber, False, [ ]}, {cd[NSCNumber], ByAtomicNumber, False, [ ]}, {cd[RTECSClasses], ByAtomicNumber, False, [ ]}, {cd[RTECSNumber], ByAtomicNumber, False, [ ]}}[[{}[[1,1]],3]], True]<> |