HHomeBackground Color:He
LiBeBlack White GrayBCNOFNe

Series of the elements

Text lists sorted by: Value | Atomic Number | Alphabetical
Plots: Shaded | Ball | Crossed Line | Scatter | Sorted Scatter
Log scale plots: Shaded | Ball | Crossed Line | Scatter | Sorted Scatter
Good for this property: Scatter

ActiniumActinide NeodymiumLanthanide VanadiumTransition Metal
ThoriumActinide PromethiumLanthanide ChromiumTransition Metal
ProtactiniumActinide SamariumLanthanide ManganeseTransition Metal
UraniumActinide EuropiumLanthanide IronTransition Metal
NeptuniumActinide GadoliniumLanthanide CobaltTransition Metal
PlutoniumActinide TerbiumLanthanide NickelTransition Metal
AmericiumActinide DysprosiumLanthanide CopperTransition Metal
CuriumActinide HolmiumLanthanide ZincTransition Metal
BerkeliumActinide ErbiumLanthanide YttriumTransition Metal
CaliforniumActinide ThuliumLanthanide ZirconiumTransition Metal
EinsteiniumActinide YtterbiumLanthanide NiobiumTransition Metal
FermiumActinide BoronMetalloid MolybdenumTransition Metal
MendeleviumActinide SiliconMetalloid TechnetiumTransition Metal
NobeliumActinide GermaniumMetalloid RutheniumTransition Metal
LithiumAlkali Metal ArsenicMetalloid RhodiumTransition Metal
SodiumAlkali Metal AntimonyMetalloid PalladiumTransition Metal
PotassiumAlkali Metal HeliumNoble Gas SilverTransition Metal
RubidiumAlkali Metal NeonNoble Gas CadmiumTransition Metal
CesiumAlkali Metal ArgonNoble Gas LutetiumTransition Metal
FranciumAlkali Metal KryptonNoble Gas HafniumTransition Metal
BerylliumAlkaline Earth Metal XenonNoble Gas TantalumTransition Metal
MagnesiumAlkaline Earth Metal RadonNoble Gas TungstenTransition Metal
CalciumAlkaline Earth Metal OganessonNoble Gas RheniumTransition Metal
StrontiumAlkaline Earth Metal HydrogenNonmetal OsmiumTransition Metal
BariumAlkaline Earth Metal CarbonNonmetal IridiumTransition Metal
RadiumAlkaline Earth Metal NitrogenNonmetal PlatinumTransition Metal
OxygenChalcogen PhosphorusNonmetal GoldTransition Metal
SulfurChalcogen AluminumPoor Metal MercuryTransition Metal
SeleniumChalcogen GalliumPoor Metal LawrenciumTransition Metal
TelluriumChalcogen IndiumPoor Metal RutherfordiumTransition Metal
PoloniumChalcogen TinPoor Metal DubniumTransition Metal
FluorineHalogen ThalliumPoor Metal SeaborgiumTransition Metal
ChlorineHalogen LeadPoor Metal BohriumTransition Metal
BromineHalogen BismuthPoor Metal HassiumTransition Metal
IodineHalogen NihoniumPoor Metal[note] MeitneriumTransition Metal
AstatineHalogen FleroviumPoor Metal[note] DarmstadtiumTransition Metal
TennessineHalogen[note] MoscoviumPoor Metal[note] RoentgeniumTransition Metal
LanthanumLanthanide LivermoriumPoor Metal[note] CoperniciumTransition Metal
CeriumLanthanide ScandiumTransition Metal
PraseodymiumLanthanide TitaniumTransition Metal

Notes on the Series of particular elements:

Nihonium: Value is a guess based on periodic table trend.

Flerovium: Value is a guess based on periodic table trend.

Moscovium: Value is a guess based on periodic table trend.

Livermorium: Value is a guess based on periodic table trend.

Tennessine: Value is a guess based on periodic table trend.

Up to date, curated data provided by
Mathematica's ElementData function from Wolfram Research, Inc.

The Elements book Mad Science book Periodic Table Poster  Click here to buy a book, photographic periodic table poster, card deck, or 3D print based on the images you see here!
Common Properties
Abundance in Earth's Crust Discovery Year
Abundance in Humans Electrical Conductivity
Abundance in Meteorites Electron Affinity
Abundance in the Ocean Electron Configuration
Abundance in the Sun Electronegativity
Abundance in the Universe Half Life
Atomic Mass Heat of Fusion
Atomic Number Heat of Vaporization
Atomic Radius Ionization Energies
Boiling Point Melting Point
Covalent Radius Specific Heat
Other Properties
Adiabatic Index Mohs Hardness
Allotrope Names Molar Magnetic Susceptibility
Alternate Names Molar Volume
Block Neutron Cross Section
Brinell Hardness Neutron Mass Absorption
Bulk Modulus NFPA Label
CAS Number Period
CID Number Phase
Color Poisson Ratio
Critical Pressure Quantum Numbers
Critical Temperature Radioactive
Crystal Structure Refractive Index
Curie Point Resistivity
Decay Mode RTECS Number
DOT Hazard Class Series
DOT Numbers Shear Modulus
Electrical Type Space Group Name
Gas Atomic Multiplicities Space Group Number
Group Speed of Sound
Isotope Abundances Superconducting Point
Isotopes (All Known) Symbol
Isotopes (Stable) Thermal Conductivity
Lattice Angles Thermal Expansion
Lattice Constants Valence
Lifetime Van Der Waals Radius
Liquid Density Vickers Hardness
Magnetic Type Volume Magnetic Susceptibility
Mass Magnetic Susceptibility Young Modulus