| Allotrope Names of the elements
 | Point to the graph to see details, or click for full data on that element. |
 Key to values:
1 | Dibromine | 2 | Dichlorine | 3 | Difluorine | 4 | Dihydrogen | 5 | Diiodine | 6 | Dinitrogen | 7 | AlphaPolonium, BetaPolonium |
| 8 | | 9 | AlphaRhombohedralBoron, BetaRhombohedralBoron, AlphaTetragonalBoron |
| 10 | Dioxygen, Ozone, Tetraoxygen |
| 11 | RhombicSulphur, MonoclinicSulphur, AmorphousSulphur |
| 12 | WhiteAntimony, YellowAntimony, BlackAntimony |
| 13 | WhitePhosphorus, RedPhosphorus, BlackPhosphorus |
| 14 | YellowArsenic, BlackArsenic, GrayArsenic |
| 15 | AmorphousRedSelenium, AmorphousBlackSelenium, MonoclinicSelenium, HexagonalSelenium |
| 16 | Graphite, Diamond, AmorphousCarbon, Lonsdaleite, Fullerene, CarbonNanotube, Graphene |
| 17 | None |
Up to date, curated data provided by Mathematica's ElementData function from Wolfram Research, Inc.